Mineral King Friends Trip 2022
Any time spent in the Sierra is special but spending it Fly Fishing with friends makes it very special. This is my 4th year enjoying Mineral King with my very good friends. Along with Myself, Luong, Steve and William, Amanda Hoffner (@ladytenkarabum) joined us on this years trip.

Even with the 3rd year of extreme drought California is experiencing, conditions in Mineral King were very good with decent water flows (better than last year) and the fishing was once again amazing!

With 4 days to fish, we covered a lot of water and were able to catch many of the feisty fish in the Kaweah. Rainbows, Brookies, Little Kern Goldens and Golden-Rainbow hybrids made for another exciting trip.

A lot of happy face were seen this week!

Beautiful scenery and great friends!

and some interesting spectators watching us fish!

Luong brought prototypes of his new Headwaters Tenkara Rod and my Limited Edition Golden Trout Dude Rod!!!!! The GoldenTroutDude graphics were painted by my very talented daughter Jessica!. I of course, fished the prototype extensively during our excursions this week. It performed magnificently and I look forward to being able to offer a very limited quantities of this rod this year!

All in all, another great friends trip, we caught and released many a fish and took home with us memories to last us until our next friends trip….