Annual Golden Trout Friends Trip

A beautiful day at Golden Trout Wilderness for the annual opening day trip with my friends. We started out with a short hike to the meadow and spread out for a day of fishing on the creek.
The water was perfect, the hatches started early in the day making for some fantastic Dry fly fishing with Ultralight rods and Tenkara as well.
Everyone caught many fish as they were very accommodating after a decent winter, snatching almost anything we threw at them. This year Blue Duns and Little Olives were working much better that the Caddis favorites in the past couple of years. Of course dunking a Scud or BHPT with the Tenkara was producing very well.

It has been a challenging year with Covid-19 being forefront on all of our minds and getting out for a great day of fishing was very therapeutic for our whole group. Stress relief? Oh yeah! Everyone left with memories of pretty fish and the camaraderie of a day of fishing with friends.
As always I hated to see the day end and will be looking forward to my annual get-together next year, same time, same place!